Meet the Coopers
We're the Coopers. We started the business together in the Fall of 2014.
Has been drawing since he was a kid. It only started to look like he expected it to. . . . a few years ago. He grew up watching his Grandma paint and traveling with her to art shows. In junior college he enrolled in an oil painting class and it took off from there (ten years off). It wasn't until he met his future wife, and finally listened to his friends, that he decided to sell paintings.
Started working for her dad's upholstery business at a young age. It was there that she learned how to sew. Some of her fondest memories (repeated often) surround her father's shop. It wasn't till many years later that she really developed a passion for it. After meeting her husband and attending so, so, so many Fandom Conventions, the spark for sewing came alive.
The Coopers:
Our first show together was cosplaying at Fan Expo Dallas in 2014. After the show, we got our first commission request from a friend. That started Cooper Creative Art.